How to check ADLDS replication status with custom host/port

If you want to check the replication status of an ADLDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) instance, you can use the command repadmin. By default all commands issued to repadmin will use the default LDAP ports (389/636). If your ADLDS instance uses different ports, you can add a parameter to the repadmin command. 1. Check… Continue reading How to check ADLDS replication status with custom host/port

Powershell check if an AD Group Managed Service account (GMSA) is correctly installed on Windows Server

If you wish to check if a Windows Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) is correctly installed (and available for use) on a Windows machine, you can do the following. Open a new Powershell Window First make sure that the Active Directory Powershell feature is enabled on the server. Do this by issuing this command: Afterwards,… Continue reading Powershell check if an AD Group Managed Service account (GMSA) is correctly installed on Windows Server

How to join a Ubuntu 20.04 machine to a Windows AD domain

Do you want to be able to login to your Ubuntu machines with AD users and apply Active Directory authentication? Read here how. 1. Install required packages Login to your Ubuntu machine via SSH. First we will need to install some packages. You can issue the following command to install everything we need: 2. Update… Continue reading How to join a Ubuntu 20.04 machine to a Windows AD domain